
Color distinguishes our brand and helps us create consistent experiences across products.

Primary Colors

Colors that represent our brand, used as primary color and accents. Our primary palette is comprised of purple, white, and blue to bring boldness to our brand and is used in logical ways throughout product and marketing to guide the eye and highlight the important bits.

Secondary Color

Our secondary palette contains a variety of colors to keep things fresh and interesting. The secondary palette consists of red, green, orange, and yellow. These colors are used across all web apps at DreamHost.

Gray Scale

Our neutral palette is a set of warm grays. Use these to enhance information especially in the UI, but also ask if gray is even necessary for larger areas. The grayscales also are used for the backgrounds and text color.


In this example, we break down the usage of primary colors, secondary colors, and gray scale colors.

Color Usage


Color contrast between text and background is important because it affects people’s ability to percieve information and is neccessary for user accessibility. Color combonations should have a color contrast ratio of above 3.0.

Why DreamHost

Own your virtual presence with the power of DreamHost. With 1.5 million websites already under our care, we’re ready to help you and your sites find success online.


White on Abyss

Why DreamHost

Own your virtual presence with the power of DreamHost. With 1.5 million websites already under our care, we’re ready to help you and your sites find success online.


White on Azure

Why DreamHost

Own your virtual presence with the power of DreamHost. With 1.5 million websites already under our care, we’re ready to help you and your sites find success online.


Abyss on White

Why DreamHost

Own your virtual presence with the power of DreamHost. With 1.5 million websites already under our care, we’re ready to help you and your sites find success online.


Smoke on White

Why DreamHost

Own your virtual presence with the power of DreamHost. With 1.5 million websites already under our care, we’re ready to help you and your sites find success online.


Galactic on Metal

Why DreamHost

Own your virtual presence with the power of DreamHost. With 1.5 million websites already under our care, we’re ready to help you and your sites find success online.


Coral on Sunflower

Create Emphasis

When used sparingly, color can be used to bring attention to important messaging

Do Create Emphasis

Use color to emphaize main points and attract attention.

Don't Create Emphasis

Don’t use overly distracting color combinations.

Evoke Feelings

Colors have meanings and connotations. Below are feelings associated with different colors.

Blues & Purples - Calm, loyalty, trust

Greens - Nature, renewal, growth

Yellows & Oranges - Happiness, creative, cheerful

Reds - Danger, warning, passion

Do Evoke

Do use color combinations such as blues and yellow to communicate a pleasant tone.

Don't Evoke

Don’t overuse aggressive colors such as red because it can be perceived negatively.

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